Call for Papers Digital Democracy Workshop

Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich

October 27th & 28th, 2022

We invite paper submissions on the relationship between digital technology and democracy, broadly understood. We are particularly interested in topics such as political communication and public opinion, e-government and public administration, AI and governance, civic tech and political participation, the regulation of tech platforms, and state repression and surveillance, among others.

This workshop is co-organized by the Democracy Community of the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) and the Digital Democracy Lab (Digdemlab) at the University of Zurich. It aims to facilitate exchange among scholars from different substantive fields working on these topics. We particularly encourage early-career researchers and those belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in the field to apply.

Workshop attendance is free and is open to both paper presenters and non-presenters, but registration is required and subject to seat availability. The workshop will take place in Zurich and all presenters are expected to attend in person. Suitable adjustments will be made if needed, depending on the Covid-19 situation.

Registration for non-paper presenters will be open from July 12th to September 30 2022. LINK

Please find the program of the Digital Democracy Workshop here: LINK

We provide a limited number of travel grants for junior scholars; more information will be provided upon acceptance.

Organizing committee:

Elliott Ash, Ivo Bantel, Anna Boos, Karsten Donnay, Theresa Gessler, Fabrizio Gilardi, Emma Hoes, Mael Kubli, Lucas Leemann, Martino Maggetti, Paula Moser, Jennifer Scurrell, Uwe Serdült, Cristina Teleki, Aleksandra Urman. We can be reached at